Black label
100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham

Black label: 100% iberian acorn-fed ham
At El Carril we are committed to offering our customers an unbeatable and certified product, feeding our 100% Iberian pigs acorn-fed, registered in the Genealogical Book of this breed. The hams, shoulders and loins from Dehesa El Carril are distinguished by an intense red color with infiltration of veins of bright white fat that characterizes them.

how and when it started
We are a family business with more than 50 years dedicated to the breeding of Iberian pigs.
Our cattle are raised in freedom in the middle of nature and are fed with the abundant acorns of the montanera of Extremadura and the aromatic fresh grass of the pasture.
El Carril controls the entire breeding and manufacturing process of our products. We are more than a store of acorn-fed Iberian products, we are providers of a unique experience that begins in the meadows of Extremadura and ends at your table, be it with our Black Label 100% Iberico Bellota Ham.